Friday, April 25, 2014


Our Journey

A map and rough path of where we went each day can be seen below.

Days 1 and 5 -- Reykjavik

Day 2 -- Reykjavik to Vik

Day 3 -- Vik to Fludir

Day 4 -- Fludir to Reykjavik

Future Directions for Iceland

My mom and I both said that we would jump at the opportunity to visit Iceland again.  When thinking about what we would visit again and what wouldn't be as worthwhile, these were our thoughts:

  • We wouldn't need to spend as much time in Reykjavik (unless there was a special event)
  • Visit again: Blue Lagoon, Skogafoss for the hike past the glacier, and I thought Pingvellir 
  • Skip: Geysir and Gullfoss; they are nice to visit for first-timers since they are the "must-sees" of Iceland besides the Blue Lagoon and Pingvellir, but they were overrun by many tourists, and could be sufficiently seen in <10-20 min
  • We would also want to explore more of the areas around Vik, including eastward; some of the most beautiful landscapes are rumored to be here
  • I would want to visit the north, because there is supposed to be another natural outdoor thermal pool, and the landscape seemed majestic and beautiful from the Iceland Guidebook
  • Puffins and the Northern Lights still have yet to be checked off of the bucket list

Thank you to everyone who followed our adventures!  The blog was written in exceptional detail for my own viewing and remembrance later--hopefully it will be helpful to anyone considering traveling to Iceland in the future.  If any advice is needed, my mom and I can always be contacted, and would be happy to share our insights!

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